
Thursday, September 30, 2010

B is for Beads!

Happy Thursday ... another week is almost done!  Well, it's still gloomy here in South Carolina; however, the sun is supposed to return tomorrow (yay)!  So, while I'm enjoying an evening inside, I thought I'd join Jenny Matlock for her fun Alphabe-Thursday party.  This week, the letter is "B" ... so I've chosen "Beads." 

As I mentioned in my last post (sharing my Fall mantel), I was determined to add a beaded garland this year; however, I simply couldn't find one a.ny.where!  I am NOT a crafty chick; however, I realized that if I *really* wanted the look I was going after, I was going to have to make the garland myself.  *Heavy sigh*

Off to Michael's I went.  There, in the jewelry section, I was pleasantly surprised to find these little beauties!!  The colors were perfect for the natural look I wanted:

So, while watching my favorite(!) show, Modern Family, I simply threaded the beads randomly onto picture frame wire.  I chose this type of wire so that it would withstand the collective weight of the beads, and also allow me to manipulate the wire into the shape I wanted.

And voila:

While it's certainly not going to be featured in Martha Stewart's Living magazine (lol), I'm happy with how it turned out ... mainly because it was super easy and inexpensive!

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. Pretty I love it!!! And I love Modern Family soooo sooo funny!!! Great Job

  2. This is really nice, Becca! It adds a nice touch to your fireplace! Great job.

    I just started watching Modern Family and I love it!!


  3. Becca, I love your home made garland. Thanks for sharing what you used.

  4. I also love that garland, how inventive!!

    YAY for sun!! It is raining cats and dogs here in VA!! I hope it clears up tomorrow! ((HUGS)) Liz

  5. I think your garland is better than Martha's cause it didn't cost you an arm and a leg! I wouldn't have thought to use picture frame wire. Good idea.

  6. Wow! How wonderful to find those beads in that tub! I know I told you the other day but I really love the wire idea. I have some red wooden beads I purchased many years ago for Christmas ( atleast I think I still have them) anyway the trouble was I never liked how they were so difficult to use the way I wanted to because they are strung on something very flimsy. This may bring new life to them or anything else I might come up. I am wracking my brain trying to think of what materials I can use to make my own bendy garlands with! Thanks again for sharing this great idea!

  7. This is so freakin fabulous! I don't like that word but your mantle is the best thing I have layed my eyes on! NO freakin' kidding ;D

    Becca, I don't have a mantle. I NEED a mantle... your mantle! Seriously, don't be surprised if you see your mantle at my house. lol
    Love it! Love it! Love it!

  8. It looks fabulous! May have to experiment with this. Thanks for sharing. Your mantel looks really pretty.

  9. That is beautiful!


  10. Martha Stweart, eat your heart out! I love it!

  11. Wow! That is a really cool look! Your mantel is awesome!

  12. Becca, Exquisite! And to think you just took little beads and strung them. The look is quite elegant. I love all the detail on your mantle!
    What a delightful visit.

  13. I don't think I've seen a prettier beaded garland anywhere! I love how you draped it across twice. Really pretty!

  14. I think is looks just wonderful. It makes me want to run out and get me some wooden beads and make my Youngest string them ;o)

  15. That garland is lovely - I may have to try something like that, but at this late stage, it will be in Christmas colours!

  16. Your mantle is lovely but the beaded garland really adds to it! Love it!

  17. I like it a lot! I never thought of using picture frame wire. What a great tip! I love Modern Family too!!

  18. Hooray for beads! Great choice of B-word!
    I love beads!
    Best wishes & purrs,
    Anna & Sara Cat

    Sara Cat's B-post JM
    Anna's B-post JM

  19. No lie---I was just gazing at that same tub o beads today in Michaels! I love them..I'll be back when I have a coupon, for sure.

  20. oh my gosh, how warm and inviting. I am jealous.

  21. Hi Becca! Ok, first of all, I totally think it looks like it could be featured in a magazine! Pretty much anything you do in your home is magazine worthy as far as I'm concerned. :-) Also, I have an email written to you in my head and my folks just left today so hopefully I will get it out of my head and into an actual email very soon! I am loving getting to connect with you!

  22. This turned out really cute, well done!

    I LOVE your glass jars on the right side though, I wish I had a mantle to put something awesome like that on *L*

  23. This is beautiful. I always decorate my mantel at Christmas but never thought of doing it for fall.

    I think a trip to Michaels is in order.

    Clever, lovely, glowing and welcoming.

    What a beautiful stop for Alphabe-Thursday.

    Thank you for linking.


  24. You know I thought about this garland a couple days after your first post....It really is nice, and pretty easy too. Thanks for sharing.

  25. What a beautiful garland and mantle vignette! Love it!


  26. I actually think it looks very "Martha" :-)


I appreciate your comments!