
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hello ...

my name is Becca, and, yes, I have already started to decorate for Easter!  Trust me, if you just purchased this cutie (and his twin), along with a few of their smaller cousins (from Pier One), you'd do the same, too!

That is all.


  1. Becca, he is a cutie! I may have to go to my local Pier 1 and see if they have him.

  2. Becca he is a cutie! I think I'll be heading to Pier 1 now:)

  3. Becca, I've got to laugh. You have to see the post I just put up at my blog. Apparently, we're on the same page this morning! lol

  4. Too cute! I am sooo ready for spring decor! LOL Tired of winter!

  5. Darn! My BFF and I were going to go there Sunday but didn't make it, stayed in Macy's to long!
    I love his brown checked bow!

  6. Oh how cute. I can't wait to see it all. Little man's room is adorable too. Hugs, Marty

  7. How cute, Becca. I was just wondering this morning if it was too early to start. lol Guess not! xo Diana

  8. A D O R A B L E!!! I love him! My name is Liz, and I also have my bunnies out for Spring! ;) You are not alone, my friend! Ha! I can't wait to see more. xo ~Liz

  9. Too cute!! I've already started too!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh Becca, he is just the cutest :)
    I have some bunnies I keep out year round....
    Not to sure when I'll start with my Easter decor....I just got done packing away my valentine
    Happy decorating....


  12. Girl, you crack me up!! I just told Liz that I have done NO shopping! LOL! Your bunnies are adorable. Maybe I'll get back into the swing soon!!

  13. So cute! I am ready for spring and all the flowers and bunnies that go with it. xoxo Jeanette

  14. I was just in Pier One today and saw them! So cute. I have so many bunnies, I resisted. But then bought one at TJMaxx:):) Can't wait to see all your decorations! XO, Pinky

  15. What a cutie patootey, Becca! Can't wait to see how you put it all together. I know it will be fabulous!

  16. I do have one of the sweet little cousins (Pier 1 last year) & put out some Easter things today. We are having incredible weather, & I even planted pansies & other sweet little things yesterday. Do I think you are too early? No way!

  17. Very cute! Just think of it as you are decorating for spring!

  18. I just left Gina's and you two are bunny perfect! I hope you'll join our Spring'tacular party, in March, you've got plenty of time to get the whole house ready ;) Even though I bet you're already done! Have a great week!

  19. Are you just ignoring St. Patrick's Day???? That is my holiday woman!!! Put some green on that rabbit and I will let you slide... :-)

  20. Cute little bunnies!

    I love your son's room too. You've done a great job in there. I think my boys rooms were harder to decorate than the girls.

    I love that lamp with the whistle, It is very cute!

  21. Very cute, Becca! I celebrated Easter by having my once per year Cadberry Egg..Yum. Hugs, Sherry

  22. Hi Becca, is just so cute. I just can't think of Easter right now with my house turned upside down. I guess you can say that I am doing a "Becca" and ripped with entire dining room apart! The only difference is that you finish your projects overnight and mine will take several weeks :(
    Marianne :)

  23. Love the Easter selection at Pier One, too! The rabbit is so cute! I haven't put anything out yet, but I did get some of the Easter Tree Ornaments a couple of weeks ago. Weren't they just precious! :)

  24. So wonder you can't wait to decorate!

  25. Oh my gosh, you put me to shame! What a cute bunny though!


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