
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

In the Bloglight at Hometalk!

Greetings, friends!

I'm honored to have been chosen to be featured as part of Hometalk's "In the Bloglight" series!  

If you aren't familiar with Hometalk, you simply must check it out, as it's an amazing online community, where folks from all over the world *gather* to ask for and share ideas about all things home and garden.

As part of the "Bloglight" series, Miriam (Hometalk's Director of Community Development  extraordinaire) asked me a few questions:

How did you first get into blogging?

I joined the world of blogging back in December of 2009 when our home was part of our local Women's Club "Christmas Tour of Homes."  I started my blog as a way for me to share pics of our holiday home with our out-of-state family and friends who weren't able to visit for the event.  Little did I know that folks other than my family and friends would actually take the time to read, comment and follow my blog!  That's when I decided to write a second, third and fourth post … and, well, as they say, the rest is blogging history!  

How did you decide on the name of my blog?

As much as I love to decorate and redecorate our home (along with others), it's never boring or quick … always an adventure … thus, "Adventures in Decorating" was born!

Is blogging something you do on the side, or is it a full-time job for you?

For now, blogging is something that I do on the side … for fun.  That might change in the new year, but, for now, it remains a great outlet for me to share my addiction to decorating!

What was the first project you ever shared?

The first post I ever shared was of our Christmas home where reds, golds and greens, along with chocolate metallic walls, dominated our humble abode.

And, if you follow my blog, you've been there along the way when those dark walls disappeared; walnut furniture was introduced to chalk paint; and camel covered wingback chairs were then dressed in white slipcovers … hard to believe this is the same room!

What is your most popular project on Hometalk to date?

Hmmmm … that would be our Fall mantel from 2012.  I'm still in shock that, since posting it to Hometalk, it has since been *pinned* over 40,000 times … crazy!

Do you stick to a strict posting schedule?

Admittedly, I don't.  And, I truly admire those who post multiple times a week, especially since I *usually* only post only once a week!  I always say that I'm going to start posting more, but, try not to put too much pressure on myself to do so … maybe that's part of the problem!  :)

How has blogging changed you?

Blogging has changed me in that it has given me a bit more confidence when it comes to my mad decorating skills … like taking a paint brush, covered in Chateaux Grey chalk paint, to our then-maple stained cabinets:

It has encouraged me to take decorating "risks" and to step out of my OCD-box.  And, best of all, blogging has also brought many amazing people into my life whom I'm happy to call "great friends!"  If you are considering starting a blog, I hope that you go for it … you won't regret it!

*   *   *

Thanks again, Miriam, and the great folks at Hometalk, for featuring little ol' me as part of your "In the Bloglight" series.  And, thank YOU for taking the time to visit!

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  1. you certainly deserve to be in the "bloglight" becca and congratulations! I loved reading your answers, you are so honest and humble about your blogging experience and talents it is always a pleasure to "visit" with you!

  2. Becca,
    CONGRATS on the feature!!! It has been so much fun meeting you in the blog world, and it is very funny how our homes have changed so much in the past few years. Better go for now...changing the décor in one of my guest rooms toady :)


  3. Congratulations you have done well.

  4. I love this, Becca. You are so talented and I always smile when I see a post from you because I know it is going to be great. Congratulations on being featured- you deserve it! xo Diana

  5. Congrats on the feature! I have told you for years your awesome and now the rest of the world is seeing how much!! :-)

  6. Congrats Becca! I adore your style lady!!


  7. Congrats Becca!…and it is so funny to learn that you starting blogging for the very same reason that I share Christmas pics with family and friends. Your home has evolved so beautifully…You are so talented my friend!!!

  8. Congrats, Becca. So well deserved too. I am happy to hear you don't stick to a schedule for posting. Like you said, I always WANT to post more but life has a way of getting in the way of that:) XO

  9. Congrats Becca! Your bloglight feature is well deserved. :)

  10. Congratulations, Becca! You are so deserving of The Bloglight feature! You are creative and talented! I love your style! I have also loved following along on your "adventures in decorating"!

  11. I'm so glad that I ran across your blog that one fateful day a couple of years ago! I sure have enjoyed all of your decorating adventures and look forward to seeing more! Congrats on being in the Bloglight!

  12. Becca, thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so inspired by everything you do - it's an honor to feature you today!
    (I WANT that chandelier in your sitting room!) :)

  13. Oh Becca, I so adore your style! Everything is so light and bright and cheerful! To say you're doing this as a hobby is hard to believe.

  14. Beautiful friend I loved reading this!! Still remember coming to your blog the very first time and feeling an instant connection. And it is a blessing to have that connection turn into a wonderful friendship!
    Love ya,

  15. I am so glad that you are a blogger!!! You have been a wonderful inspiration for me and my decorating journey. You have a beautiful home!! I am new to following blogs and yours is one of my favorites for sure!!!

  16. I have been a follower for awhile now….love it! Your home is AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing.

  17. Becca, I think you certainly need to be in the Bloglight because you are crazy talented! Along with that, you are such a super sweet and gorgeous lady and I feel fortunate to have met you in person several times. I enjoyed reading your feature!

  18. So fun to hear how you got into blogging Becca and to see how your home has changed over the years. Congrats girl!

  19. Congratulations Becca! I love your blog, you are such a nice girl and you deserve it!

  20. Big congrats, Becca. I'm following.
    Just love what you're doing here.

  21. Your OCD pays off in your fabulous decorating skills! What fun to see how your style has changed since 2009 - you go girl!

  22. Becca, Congrats! What a great post. I learned some new things about you. And boy, you style has changed. LOVE both though! xo Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. Congratulation Becca! So glad you were featured. Your home is an inspiration to so many :)

  24. Congrats on your feature! I remember when I first found you or you found me? I can't remember :)


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