
Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Decorating Dream Come True ...

As a crazy girl, with a true passion for decorating, admittedly, my dream has always been to have our home featured in a national publication.

So, imagine my shock when, last Fall, the very kind and amazingly talented Anne Gridley, from Gridley + Graves Photographers, contacted me and asked if she and her husband, Gary, could come to our home to take pictures for ... wait for it ... a national publication!

I was thrilled ... to say the least!  After the holidays and nasty Winter weather, this past Thursday, they trekked down to SC from PA and knocked on our door.

They brought their fancy equipment ...

lots of "fresh" props ...

and, took lots and LOTS of pictures!

It was awesome to watch them style the shots and analyze, right then and there on their computer, what needed to be adjusted for the next frame!

They also brought lots of great stories, which I loved hearing!  They couldn't have been nicer or more professional.

And, while I'm not sure when or which publication our home will be a featured, I'm honored and excited just to have had the experience of having Anne and Gary in our home! 

So, keep up your blogging because, you never know, they may be knocking on your door next!

As always, thanks for stopping by,
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  1. They were fun to talk to and listen about some of the homes they have shot. Congrats on the shoot.

  2. Congratulations Becca! I am so happy for you! Can't wait to see the publication! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Congratulations! So exciting!

  4. Congratulations on the photo shoot! So excited for you!

  5. Congratulations Becca. How exciting!!!!

  6. Congrats on the photo shoot Becca!! Can't wait to see your beautiful home in a magazine!

  7. Congrats Becca,
    I had them at my home last summer for some up coming magazines. They are the sweetest couple and lots of fun to work with. Congrats so excited for you.

  8. Congratulations, Becca! What an honor and I am certainly not surprised - your home is just gorgeous!
    Be a sweetie,

  9. Oh my word, I am so thrilled for you and your home is so magazine worthy. What a fabulous experience. Congratulations!!!!! Hugs, Marty

  10. CONGRATULATIONS, sweet friend! I knew this day would come, you are so talented and your style and photography is *off the charts* AMAZING! So excited for you. :) xo, Liz

  11. Congats, Becca! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to see the print version!

  12. Congratulations, Becca! You are so deserving of this honor! Your home is always a feast for the eyes; and I can't wait to see it in print!

  13. Becca- I am so excited for you. What a great honor and I am not at all surprised. Make sure and let us know when it is ready to hit the newsstands. I bet everything looked gorgeous- xo Diana

  14. I think this is great, Becca, and they picked the right home!! I hope you pass on some of their styling tips!! Congratulations to you!


  15. Oh, my goodness how wonderful, they knew they had a wonderful home to shoot when they knocked on your door!

  16. Oh, my goodness how wonderful, they knew they had a wonderful home to shoot when they knocked on your door!

  17. Your home is gorgeous!! Where did you get your curtains from? I love them!

  18. Congratulations!!! I have told you many times your home should be in a magazine. I was right! LOL I am so very happy for you. So well deserved. Can't wait to see the pictures on paper. Keep us posted!

  19. Congratulations, Becca! I well-deserved recognition. How exciting ~ I can't wait to find out where we might be able to see these pictures.

  20. Becca, this is fantastic! I'm so excited for you! They really picked the perfect home to photograph! I can't wait to see it in the magazine!

  21. How exciting! I am so excited for you. Your home is so magazine perfect and beautiful. 😊

  22. Oh Becca...I am so very happy for you and so glad you had a wonderful you at one point say good-bye to a home that you so lovingly decorated, you will always have a great momento in a national publication!...I cannot wait to see your home in print...Congrats!!

  23. Congratulations! It's so well deserved! I can't wait to see your rooms in print.

    Have a great day.

  24. Congratulations! What a fun and exciting thing to happen! Making your house into a home is wonderful on its own, but it sure feels like to have your hard work recognized by the "wider-world"! Very well deserved!

  25. Congratulations, Becca! It doesn't surprise me a bit that you would be asked to share your beautiful home in a publication. Can't wait to find out where and when!

  26. Congratulations! It must have been so exciting for you.

  27. So happy for you, Becca. It is so interesting!

  28. Exciting! I would freak out to have a crew in my home. Can't wait to see which publication you end up in.

  29. How AWESOME for you Becca!
    So well-deserved!
    Doing the Snoopy happy dance for you here!

  30. Congratulations Becca! You deserve this! You're amazing! So happy for you!

  31. How exciting, Becca! I am so happy for you. Can't wait to see what publication your home is featured in…keep us updated! :)

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  33. How exciting for you, Becca! I'm still dreaming of having my garden featured in a magazine. :-)


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