
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spring Kitchen Shelves

Hello, hello ... anyone home?!

Yup, I'm guilty of blog neglect!  But, in my defense, as many of you know, our home is on the market, as we are moving from South Carolina back to Virginia.

And, because I've had to really "simplify" our home during the selling process, honestly, I've had nothing to share, and it's driving me crazy!  LOL!  I can't wait to get into a new home and start all over, sharing my madness every step of the way!

Before I start packing things up, I thought I'd share our simple kitchen shelves. The shelves that I painstakingly made ... I'm going to miss them!

Nothing fancy ... just simple pieces, like white plates and pitchers (all from HomeGoods)

And, whether it's pretty plates (also from Home Goods)

or, plastic bottles of Pellegrino ... color is mandatory for my Spring decor!

Faux green apples (Wal-Mart) popping against a simple silver platter (GoodWill), remind me that the warmer months are finally here! 

I hope that our future home (that we have yet to find) will have a special wall begging for a few shelves, too!  I just hope that I can remember how I made them!

Thanks so much, and I hope you'll join me on our new "adventures in decorating" once we have a new address!

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  1. Your shelves look great, Becca! I know this is driving you crazy! Lol! I can feel your little wheels spinning from here! I have a feeling it won't be long before you are in your new home and creating amazing things.

  2. I can only imagine... your hands are feeling tied.
    Here's to getting the new home and all the fun adventures to follow. I can hardly wait.

  3. How exciting Becca! I live just over the border of northern Virginia and I wish I could have lived in VA (great shopping!!lol) which is why I'm in VA more than I should be. I'm sure you will find something fantastic to put your touch on! Can't wait to see all the new décor. Best of Luck for a smooth and speedy move! Sincerely, Jeannette

  4. Oh gosh, I forgot you were moving, Becca! I have to tell you that there are about 10 bloggers I follow that are moving this year. I was going to ask if you've looked yet at homes in VA but you answered that in your post. Any idea what your wish list is for it? : )

  5. Your shelves are so pretty! Selling a house is never fun! It looks perfect though! I know your're anxious to get started on your new home too. Sending prayers your way for a fast sale!

  6. Hi Becca! Oh, I just love your sweet little shelves and maybe you can make some more for your new house. I know exactly how it is when your house is on the market and you're a blogger! We've just sold our house and I had to keep it 'looker worthy' and projects had to be kept on hold.
    Good luck with the sell of your home - it's gorgeous.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. I love how the bottles play off the plates for a elegant ,yet coastal feel.So cute! Congrats on moving too,decorating a new home is like a breath of fresh air! ;)


  8. Lovely Becca! Do you know that you are within a couple hours of me now! I would love to have lunch halfway!!!

  9. Hi becca! I love love love your blog! I have it up and check it everyday. I even look thru your old stuff when you haven't posted in a while. I was wondering why you hadn't posted much this month. I must have missed that you were moving. I can't wait to see what you come up with in your new home. Thanks for keeping people like me happy by posting even when you can't do much! Your so talented and you inspire me so much! One question, do you ever decorate for the 4th of July? Thank you, Maura :)

  10. Becca,
    I just love your home. You really have a knack for styling things in such a special way. Thinking of you as you go through the whole moving process. Can't wait to see what you will share from the new homefront!!

  11. Love the spring shelves Becca!

  12. I have been wondering where you have been! Your blogs is one of my favorites! And I have missed it. But I know a move is a pretty big deal. I will be waiting to see where God lands you and your family.

  13. If you and Yvonne get together for lunch, count me IN!!! I would love to get together too! I always love your shelves, no matter how you stage them. I sure know what you mean about packing up and not having anything to share. Hope you find your new dream house soon!!! Have a GREAT weekend, Becca.

  14. Good luck with your move, Becca. I know you are up for it but it is a lot of work. Your shelves look great and I bet that your home will sell quickly with your decorating skills. xoDiana

  15. Love your shelves, Becca. Good luck on selling your home and finding a new home :)
    Have a great day.

  16. Becca the shelves are so pretty and I'm sure in your new home will a place for you to put pretty shelves. It is an exciting time and difficult at the same time. Believe me I know. I haven't been able to creative for a year, sigh. So hard and I just got to make my first piece for the new house. Hopefully soon we will be in and the decorating begins!!!


  17. Good luck on your move, Becca! I am sure you will find the perfect home and imaginae how much fun you will have decorating it! :) Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

  18. So exciting Becca! I'm sure you will find the perfect house. Virginia has some pretty properties. Your shelves are pretty (at least you have photos) and I look forward to seeing all that you do in a new home. Hoping all goes smooth for you and your family.


  20. Thank you for your new ideas. Here i got some of Living room design ideas for my friends house and hope I will contact you soon.
    Italian Kitchen


  21. Que bonito post, me he paseado por tu bloc y ha estado un regalo visitarlo, te invito a ver el mio, “ Pintar es muy divertido. Constituye una delicia observar y exprimir los colores. Espero tu visita y si no eres seguidora me encantarías que te hicieras y así compartir nuestros blocs.

  22. Hey Becca....hope everything is going well...miss your posts (just had to re-subcribe as it dropped from my email)....I love the shelves that you made and I know you will be up to your elbows in wonderful projects once you get to Virginia...I am sure this is so bittersweet for you...Please keep us posted!!!

  23. Love, love, love those shelves Becca. You decorated them so perfectly. Hope all is going well with you, selling your house and moving to Virginia.

  24. I love the chalk board idea! Thank you for sharing this blog on the adventures of home decor. I love decorating, it's a new hobby of mine. Thanks again!

    Dorthy Packer |

  25. Those aren't just shelves, those are very nice shelves. Looks like you used some nice molding on them and the brackets are very nice looking, love them. I need some short shelves like that since we redid our living room.
    It is hard to wait to find new home get started on making it yours. We lived in our travel trailer for 10 months then rented a very hohum house for about a year then finally bought our place we live in now. I felt like I was in limbo for too long. Our furniture was still in KY house, we had to go get it finally to move into our house.
    We existed with very little until we got our own furniture. But we did ok and got thru it. Take a few deep breaths and tell yourself this too shall pass and it does.
    Happy week

  26. Thanks so much for the visit. It is so nice to hear from you. Hope all is well in your world.

  27. Good luck with your move (when that time comes). I know how stressful it can be to keep your house ready for showing at all times and trying to find your next house and time it all just right. I've been there and done that a couple of times already. That may explain why we've lived here for a long time. It's a lot of work! I love those shelves you made. I'm sure the next owners will really appreciate them too. It will be fun for you to have a new place to decorate though.

  28. I am a single guy that is sick of having everything look cluttered and mismatched in my home. I wish I could just hire someone to just come in and makeover my home in a unifying way. I wonder how much "damage" a person could do with free reign like that?


  29. I just moved into a new home and it is so fun to begin a new adventure.


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