
Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Bit of Spring in our Home ...

Greetings, friends!

How can it be Easter already?!  

I wanted to share a few snippets of Spring around our home ... like here in our great room.

Pretty topiaries from IKEA helped frame our simple Easter mantel, along with a cute wreath from Home Goods that I had on hand.

Of course, I had to bring back our little "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" bunnies.

In our kitchen, another set of bunnies hopped up onto our island.

Their friends found an open spot on our foyer accent chest.

They're sharing space with this cute bunny family who landed on the buffet that we recently added here in the foyer.

In our sitting room, our black/white colors, mixed with navy blue, still allow for a bit of Spring, too! 

I should've layered a cute wreath over our mirror, but time got away from me ... this little inexpensive "flat" bunny will have to do!  I'll soon be trading out the black/white panels in here for taupe/white ones and making it a bit more coastal for the upcoming warmer months!

I'll let our bunnies hang out for a bit after this weekend since our temps are finally starting to feel like Spring!  I hope yours are, too!

And, I especially hope you all have a wonderful Easter with family/friends!

Thanks so much for visiting!

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  1. Becca, your Spring decorations are perfect for your home! I adore the cute bunny family in your foyer! Your mantels in your sitting room and family room look so nice and "Springy"! The egg wreath on your mirror is a great idea to tie in Easter to your room and add a bit of color. You haven't missed a single detail. Your home is picture perfect decorated in it's Easter and Spring decor!

  2. I loveeeeeeee your wonderful home!

  3. Love it all, so pretty and you do have some of the cutest bunnies.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Luv the cute little bunnies that have scampered throughout your luvly home Becca!
    Happy Easter to you and yours.

  6. Happy Spring and Happy Easter to you, Becca, and your family! All of your sweet Easter decor is displayed to perfection.....could we expect anything less from the DQ (Decor Queen)?

    Warm hugs,

  7. As always, fresh and beautiful!
    love and blessings~

  8. I always love seeing your home for each are the grand master of seasonal decorating....It is always a pleasure to see the most creative things you do....and not to mention seeing your gorgeous home!...Happy Spring Becca!!!

  9. Becca, your Spring decor is so light and bright, and I love all of your bunnies. Thank you for sharing and thank you for the inspiration! Just lovely. Have a happy weekend. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

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