
Thursday, December 5, 2013

"Home for the Holidays" Tour!


Thanks so much for taking a peek at our Christmas nutcracker mantel (seen HERE)!  And, now, I'm excited to be part of the "Home for the Holidays" Tour where 29 other bloggers and I are "virtually" sharing parts of our holiday homes!  AND, there's even an incredible giveaway, too (details below).

What can I say?  I.LOVE.CHRISTMAS. … everything about it … the traditions, smells, anticipation and, of course, the decorating!  And, since I have just a tad more sparkle to spread around, I'm sharing sneaks and peeks today so, crank up Bing Crosby and come on in!

One of the first rooms you'll see when you walk through the front door is our sitting room.  This year, I traded red, white and silver for green, brown, silver and gold:

Peeking on into the dining room, you'll spy lots of red ...

mixed in with silver, white and black (a "new" Christmas color for me)!

Of course, it would't be complete without a little bit of mercury, now would it?

One thing that will never change is my love for all things candy, gingerbread and whimsy in our Christmas kitchen … 

… and, to ensure that I don't even *attempt* to bake (and burn) holiday cookies, I've covered our flour with a few ornaments: 

Our breakfast area got a little bit of a new holiday look this year, as I decided to give it its own theme with fruit,

and, even added a new tree full of tiny wine bottles, corks, cheese and grapes … loved throwing a bit of deep purple in there, too!

And, over in our great room, pretty much anything goes on the tree, including a crazy topper!

You'll also spy nutcrackers standing guard by the fireplace,

carolers serenading you with traditional holiday songs,

and, most importantly, a reminder of the true reason for the season.

Out on our screened porch, I added a few pops of holiday color,

annnnd, I'm just about done with my husband's NY Yankee's tree in his "man cave."  

Thanks so much for stopping by … I hope you'll join me in the coming days when I share lots more of our holiday home!  

Now, it's time to continue our virtual "Home for the Holidays" tour with links below:

AND, don't forget to enter the incredible giveaway, featuring, not only an amazing $200 gift card from One Kings Lane, but several other prizes, as well!!

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  1. Love it Becca. Everything is so festive. And while we're not Yankees fans here, I love the man cave tree! Can't wait to see the full reveal.

    So happy to be on this tour with you.

  2. I love how pretty all of your rooms are with your Christmas decorations. You've put a lot of work into all the little details, I can tell. I laughed at the ornaments on top of the flour. I wondered why you did that and now I know. Cute idea! LOL!

  3. Everything is so pretty, the colors in your decor is perfect.

  4. Becca- you truly have a gift of style and decor. Everything is just beautiful, just like you !! :) I especially like ( and not that I have wine on my mind or anything like that) but that little tree in the kitchen. How cute is that. only you would come up with something so stinkin cute.

  5. Absolutely beautiful, Becca, and exactly what we've come to expect from such a talented lady! I really like that you have a different theme going on everywhere -- just makes it so much fun!

  6. What a lovely tour! I love all the details and the man cave tree is awesome (I can appreciate the art of it even if we are Cubbies fans.)


  7. Enjoyed your tour so much! I like how you have different colours and themes in each room - so fun to see and I know, for you to decorate! I especially love the simplicity of the branches in the white pitcher with the ornaments!


  8. What a happy Christmas home, Becca! I think you are the queen of tree decoration! You have such a way with color and fun pops of color! I need help decorating my house... wanna help?

  9. Love it all Becca, so fun and festive!! Love all the bright colors especially, great job as always!

  10. Gorgeous!!!! Pull backs woman! I need to see the whole thing so I can copy/borrow from you!!!! :-)

  11. Gorgeous to the max Becca! You did it again with another amazing home tour!!! I love all of the pops of red! I especially love your 'vino' tree!! Let's get together and make some more wine cork ornaments for your tree- after we have a glass or two of wine! Wink!!! xo Heather

  12. Becca, I am loving all the new colors!!! Everything looks beautiful, you always do such a GREAT job! I have a gingerbread and candy theme in my kitchen too. LOVE that yo put ornaments in the flour jar:):)

  13. You out did yourself my friend...I love it all!! Awesome tour!

  14. Becca-Everything is absolutely beautiful. You have such an eye for putting things together. You do a wonderful job! xo Diana

  15. How pretty, Becca!! I love it! The colors are gorgeous, and I really love the baseball tree in the "man cave" how fun is that??

  16. What a fun and cheerful Christmas home Becca. I love that hubby has his own tree. Thanks for taking us on the tour.

  17. Very good Kitchen Post. How you get this Modular Kitchen designs. Let be share about other kitchen

  18. Becca, I love your holiday home! I always try to imagine what color(s) you will choose! You have the best ideas and provide us so much inspiration!I love the idea of adding ornaments to the flour! Your trees are stunning! The Santas are so cute! You're one talented girl!

  19. OH.MY.GOSH Becca! Your new color scheme is so fabulous. I am loving that pop of green so much! Your addition of whimsy and those adorable Santas make me smile. ALL of your trees are amazing! Love love love! xoxo

  20. Absolutely beautiful Becca! So much beatu and whimsy your hands have. Great tour!
    Happy December!
    Big hug,

  21. Becca, you have got the Christmas spirit and it shows in your beautiful home! Love all of your trees and the color combos are gorgeous! You have truly got the talent for decorating, especially during the holidays. I love it!

  22. Beautiful Becca!!!…perfection and jingle all the way!
    And you and my hubby have the love of the Yankees in common…his man cave is filled with Yankee memorabilia too!!...

  23. hi there…..I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog……you have some wonderful talent….and I love your home...I just added your blog to my blog list because I have recently been changing my style from primitive to what I call earthy comfy casual….I still have that love for prim’s and have a few girlfriends that I share their homes on my blog for my prim friends…..but as you can see in my header…my home is a work in progress…and as I love to decorate it is forever changing…hope you will stop by and see how I am doing…..

  24. Beautiful as always! I still need to post a pic of our huge tree. I am still not through decorating. I have been playing too much in the ice and having photoshoots! I gotta get this house cleaned and in order and ready for our Christmas Bunco Party this Sunday. HELP!!!!

  25. Love it Becca!!!! I really may have to sneak in and grab that kitchen Santa. We are a New York Yankees family, too! Merry Christmas and thanks for a beautiful tour!!! ~Christy

  26. All were made with passion for decorating, everything is beautiful here.

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  27. Such cute touches everywhere! I think I'm in love :)

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